

TREF celebrates its 20th anniversary

In the nineteen sixties and seventies it was the practice to set up ad hoc working groups to study specific topics concerning the personnel, such as revisions of the Staff Rules and Regulations, five-yearly salary reviews, pensions fund matters, the health insurance scheme, etc. >>

Public meetings

You were hundreds of persons to participate in our information meetings of October 3 and 6 2014, and we thank you for your participation! >>

Thanks for your generosity

Following the devastating Typhoon Haiyan that hit the Philippines last Autumn, a collection of funds to help the victims was organised at CERN. >>


12 % discount on football camps and courses for children from 3 to 13 years old, with bilingual coaches. >>


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Orienteering club

Course d'orientation C’est sous un beau soleil samedi 4 octobre que s’est déroulée la 6e étape de la Coupe genevoise d’automne organisée par le club. >>

Cine club

Thursday 23 October 2014 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber The Shop on Main Street Directed by Jan Kadar, Elmar Klos Slovakia, 1965, 125 minutes   In 1942, in a small town in Czechoslovakia, the poor carpenter Tony Brtko is assigned "Aryanizator" of a small shop on the main street by his fascist brother-in-law. >>

Dancing club

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News Articles

CERN 60: celebrating with the UN  
ICTP celebrates 50 years  
LS1 Report: it's a hard knock life for Ops  
Experimental music for experimental physics  
CERN's 60th anniversary celebrations: "Cook"ed to perfection  
Happy Birthday TREF!  
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a tow truck!  
Thomas Kibble visits CERN  
Five schools visit CERN and IceCube virtually  
UK school visit: Alfriston School for girls  
Mystery photos from CERN's history  
A quantum physics poetry competition  
New arrivals  
Behind the scenes of GS: shared mobility  
Computer Security: Our life in symbiosis*  
Ombud’s corner: A shared anniversary!  
Emilio Picasso (1927-2014)  

Official News

News from CHIS  
CHIS – Letter from French health insurance authorities "Assurance Maladie" and “frontalier” status  
Subsidised energy prices in France: TPN – Tarif de première nécessité (“Basic needs” electricity price) and TSS – Tarif spécial de solidarité (special solidarity price for natural gas)  
CERN's new safety policy  

Training and Development

Safety Training: places available in October 2014  


Open Access Policy for CERN Physics Publications  
Available: motorised platform  
2015 Latin American School of High-Energy Physics | Ibarra, Ecuador | 4 - 17 March 2015  
Safety training news  
Ebola virus: recommendations  
Power Outage - 16 October  


Webcast | CERN 60 Celebration at UN Headquarters | 20 October  
Université de Genève | Physics colloquium | 20 October  
CERN Library | Arthur I. Miller presents "Colliding worlds: How Cutting-Edge Science Is Redefining Contemporary Art" | 21 October  
Spain at CERN | 28-29 October  
THE Port: hackathon at CERN | Starts soon! | 31 October-2 November