

Garantir l’excellence du CERN : consolider l’expérience

L’Organisation a plusieurs missions : la recherche fondamentale, les développements techniques et l’innovation, la formation de plusieurs centaines d’associés, de boursiers et d’étudiants et l’encadrement de plus de 10'000 utilisateurs. >>

Collectes à long terme

l’Association Éducation & Liberté tiendra une vente d’artisanat africain et sud-américain les 20 et 21 novembre 2014 – Bâtiment Principal Venez nombreux ! >>


Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels. >>


Fort de son succès Expo Juniors revient du 22 au 23 novembre 2014 - Papa & Maman Noël seront présents ! >>

Dancing club

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Micro club


Cine club

Thursday 20 November 2014 at 20:00 CERN Council Chamber Unforgiven Directed by Clint Eastwood USA, 1992, 131 minutes   The town of Big Whisky is full of normal people trying to lead quiet lives. >>

Learning classical music club

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Orienteering club

Course d'orientation Finale de la coupe d’automne >>

WoMen's club

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News Articles

Technology for helping people  
Helping CERN give back to society  
LS1 Report: A brand new set-up for ASACUSA-CUSP  
ALICE opens its new nerve centre  
CERN & Society launches donation portal  
Gender: an issue for science?  
CMS launches new educational tools  
An exercise in safety  
Mystery photos: challenge No. 3!  
Computer Security: Geneva, Suisse Romande and beyond  
Emilio Picasso (1927-2014)  

Official News

CHIS - Information concerning the health insurance of frontalier workers who are family members of a CHIS main member  

Training and Development

Safety Training: places available in November and December 2014  


Tree felling 2014  
Closure of Microcosm for refurbishment  
Upcoming renovations in Building 63  
Safety training news  


Lecture | Accelerating innovation... in medicine: particles that fight cancer | 20 November  
France @ CERN | Come and meet 37 French companies at the 2014 “France @ CERN” Event | 1-3 December