
While the world waits for Run 2 data with growing anticipation, the CERN Data Centre is battening down the hatches. Run 2 is set to see a significant increase in the amount of data produced by the LHC experiments, with more than one hundred additional petabytes expected over the next three years. How will CERN manage this flood of results? The Bulletin checks in with the IT Department to find out...
This has been a good week for global collaboration in particle physics. On Wednesday, the CERN family grew by one Associate Member when we received official confirmation that the accession agreement signed last year had been ratified by the Turkish parliament, and on Thursday, we signed a new cooperation agreement with the US.
Commissioning of the nominal cycle – beam injection, ramp, squeezing – with low-intensity (probe) beams is progressing well. In parallel, the operators have started commissioning the machine with higher-intensity beams: a nominal bunch in each beam was taken to 6.5 TeV on Saturday, 2 May and, four days later, collisions were delivered to the experiments at the injection energy (450 GeV).

Construction work is nearing completion on the ion source for Linac4, the new linear accelerator that forms part of the LHC injector upgrade programme. Here we find out more about this essential component of the accelerator chain, designed and built at CERN.
Discussions between CERN and the Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève (HUG), under the aegis of the Swiss authorities, have resulted in the setting-up of an emergency operations centre on the CERN site. This will be the operations base for an emergency doctor, a medical emergency vehicle and a driver. Located on the Swiss part of the Meyrin site, close to Building 57, it will be inaugurated on 20 May.
The Globe of Science and Innovation will be closed to the public from 4 May until the end of March 2016 for large-scale maintenance work. The renovation project, which is set to last about ten months, aims to overhaul the general building infrastructure and, above all, to replace a number of ageing components.
A picture may be worth a thousand words - but a picture of a chair? It’s worth a story all by itself. Over the past year, the "Lonely Chairs at CERN" photography blog has let the chairs do the talking. Along the way, these chairs have inspired and enchanted people across the globe with their honest depiction of the Laboratory.
You've just found a USB stick in Restaurant 1. You'd like to return it … but who is the owner? Maybe the contents can tell you? Connect it to your laptop, and you might figure it out. But hold on, what if its content is dangerous…?
The on-going campaign Respect@CERN was re-launched this year on Tuesday 5 May with a discussion forum led by Alan Richter, an expert consultant in ethics and diversity. Seeing so many colleagues in the Council Chamber for this kick-off event was a clear indication of interest in the topic as well as a willingness to engage in promoting a respectful workplace. Now, the discussion continues through the dedicated website.
Following a call for tenders issued in 2014, Swisscom will replace Sunrise as CERN’s mobile telephony operator from 24 June 2015. As of this date, CERN mobile telephone numbers will change from the +41 (0)76 487 xxxx format to the +41 (0)75 411 xxxx format and people with a CERN mobile telephony subscription will need to change their SIM card.