News Articles
Official News
Staff Association
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Issue No. 46/2006 - Monday 13 November 2006
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From the Editorial Content Development Section
Section Développement de contenus éditoriaux
Academic Training: Neutrino Physics, Present and Future
2006-2007 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME LECTURE SERIES 27, 28, 29, 30 November, 1st December, from 11:00 to 12:00 - TH Auditorium, bldg 4 - 3 - 006 Neutrino Physics, Present and Future B. KAYSER, Fermilab, USA
Texas Instruments Technical Seminar: Power Management and Wireless
Monday 6 November TECHNICAL TRAINING SEMINAR 14:00 to 17:30 - Training Centre Auditorium (bldg. 593) Texas Instruments Technical Seminar: Power Management and Wireless Michael Scholtholt, Field Application Engineer / TEXAS INSTRUMENTS (US, D, CH)
Technical Training: Places available and full programme
The list of upcoming course sessions and places available in the Technical Training programme can be found on the CERN Training Website:
News Articles
Antimatter could fight cancer
A word from the DG: Progress at the Council meeting
Public outreach: les spectacles du Globe
Events at the Globe of Science and Innovation
First detector installed inside the ALICE solenoid...
... ALICE forges ahead with further detectors
David Owen Williams (1944 - 2006)
Climate (R)evolution?
Official News
Communiqué à l'attention des membres du personnel domiciliés dans le canton de Vaud et devant remplir la Déclaration fiscale 2005 - French version only
Recommandations from the Geneva Police Department
General Information
Please note
Remerciements - French version only
Nitrogen tank
Décès - French version only
Great Britain at CERN
Information from the Users Office
Blood Donation
Flu Vaccination
End of support for Windows 2000, Office 2000 and Office XP at CERN
End of Interactive Emailing from the Technical Network
External meeting: Geneva University
ELECTIONS - Pension Fund