

Editorial - The winter Atomiades

As we wrote in our previous editorial, the Staff Association gives direct support to sports events, such as the Atomiades, a section of the Association of Sports Communities of European Research Institutes,... >>

Nursery School - Enrollments 2011-2012

Tuesday 8, Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 March From 8.00 to 10.00 at the Nursery School Registration forms will be available from 4th March onwards: At the Nursery School, from Catherine Regelbrugge, Secretary tel: 73604, Catherine. >>


Special offer   From 14th to 28th February 2011: no CWT service fee! For any new reservation of a holiday package (flight + hotel/apartment) from a catalog “summer 2011” For any additional information our staff is at your disposal from Monday – Friday, from 8h30 to 16h30. >>

Election to the Board of the Mutual Aid Fund

Every year, the Board of the Mutual Aid Fund has to replace a proportion of its members. In accordance with article 6 of the Fund’s General Regulations, three members must leave and have to be replaced. >>


Veuillez notez : Prochaine journée « Portes Ouvertes » Mercredi 31 mars de 16h00 à 20h00 Salle Jean Monnet à St Genis Au cours de cette journée, notre nouveau partenaire Vitam’Parc sera présent pour vous apporter tous les renseignements que vous souhaitez. >>


Le GAC organise chaque mois des permanences avec entretiens individuels. La prochaine permanence se tiendra le :   Mardi 8 mars de 13h30 à 16h00 Salle de réunion de l’Association du personnel Les permanences suivantes auront lieu les mardis 5 avril, 4 mai, 7 juin, 6 septembre, 4 octobre, 8 novembre, 6 décembre. >>

News Articles

Scintillating crystals: the best things come in small packages  
One day, Sir, you may tax it  
LHC Report: finalizing the shutdown activities  
CERN’s automobile fleet turns a brighter shade of green  
CERN in the blogosphere  
Photowalk Exhibition opens at Microcosm  
CERN communication in the spotlight  
A new EU-funded project for enhanced real-time imaging for radiotherapy  
AIDA – pushing the boundaries of European particle detector research  
There's gold in them thar' hills!  
14 medals for the CERN Ski Club  
Ombuds’ corner: Compromise or “win-win” solution?  

Official News

Entitlement to vote in the Canton of Geneva and entitlement to vote and eligibility for election in the Canton of Vaud  
Staff Rules and Regulations – modification No. 5 to the 11th edition  
Adjustments to financial benefits and contributions with effect from 1 January 2011  

Training and Development

Academic Training Lecture 2011  
CERN Technical training: Available places in forthcoming courses  
Language training  


Protecting your files on the AFS file system  
Blood donation  
Blocking of CERN Accounts after 28 February 28 2011  
Physics Colloquium: Theory of the spin wave Seebeck effect in magnetic insulators  
CERN Shuttle  

General Information

Information from Carlson Wagonlit Travel  
The new Service Desk  
Reminder: Alcohol abuse, road traffic and safety on the site