Cycling to work is going mainstream
CERN will take part in the "Bike to Work" campaign again this year. In this Swiss national campaign, which attracts more than 50,000 participants every year, teams of four colleagues encourage each other to cycle to work throughout the month of June. Last year CERN was the organisation with most participants in French-speaking Switzerland. Let’s aim to keep that position in 2015.
Participating is easy! Simply get together with three of your colleagues and register your "Bike to Work" team online before 31 May. There are no fees for registering teams, there is no minimum distance and parts of the journey can be done using public transport. There is even an opening for non-cyclists: one member per team can be a pedestrian or a skateboarder or use any other means of transport that does not depend on an engine. If you need help forming your team, add your name to this Doodle and you will be teamed up with three other colleagues.
A description of the event and CERN’s own “Bike to CERN through the whole year” challenge can be found on our website.
Cycling to work is certainly going mainstream, which is confirmed by the “Challenge mobilité Rhône-Alpes”, an initiative also described within this issue of the Bulletin. We encourage you to get in on the trend and join teams to take part in both the "Bike to Work" and the "Bike to CERN through the year" events. But before getting on to the saddle, please remind yourself of the safety rules for bicycling: “Bike safety – e-learning module”. Enjoy your commute!
by Jens Vigen, "Bike to Work" coordinator for CERN