

Safety Training: places available in May and June 2015

There are places available in the forthcoming Safety courses. For updates and registrations, please refer to the Safety Training Catalogue (see here).   >>

Places available - Technical management courses (up to end July)

Please find below the courses in the field of technical management scheduled up to the end of July and which have places available. >>

Personal Development and Communication courses

Please find below the list of courses in the field of Personal Development and Communication which are scheduled before the end of July. >>

News Articles

First 13TeV collisions: reporting from the CCC  
A week for records… and things of record  
Have an idea for a start-up? We’ll help you get it off the ground!  
Telephone operator change: your questions answered  
Get the right access rights!  
Take part in the Commute-Another-Way Challenge!  
Open-science projects get kickstarted at CERN  
Cycling to work is going mainstream  
President of CERN Council discusses women in leadership  
13 scientists aced their science communication test at the FameLab final  
The success of the 45th CERN Relay Race  
Computer Security: oops, there it goes...  
Ombud’s Corner: second letter from Ombudsland  
Rudolf Böck (1935 - 2015)  


Restaurant closures on Whit Monday, 25 May  
Physics and medicine: ICTR-PHE 2016 opens abstract submission  
A new look for the CERN car sharing service  
The 38th CERN School of Computing visits Greece: Apply now!  
CERN Accelerator School: Registration open for Advanced Accelerator Physics course  
Change of mobile telephony operator and mobile telephone numbers - 24 June 2015  
THE Port - Hackathon at CERN | Application: 1 May - 1 June  


Conference | "Plastic Fishes" | 26 May - 18:30  
CERN openlab Open Day | 10 June  
Academic Training Lectures | Theories of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking: A Post LHC Run-I Perspective | 26, 27 and 29 May  

Staff Association

2015, the year of all dangers  
Cine club  
Dancing club  
Micro club  
Learning classical music club  