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Antimatter could fight cancer

A pioneering experiment at CERN with potential future applications in cancer therapy has produced its first results. Researchers found that antiprotons are four times more effective than protons for cell irradiation. >>

A word from the DG: Progress at the Council meeting

The CERN Council Session in October brought progress in many areas and I would like to draw your attention to two important subjects. >>

Public outreach: les spectacles du Globe

Shows at the Globe of Science and Innovation in connection with the exhibition >>

Events at the Globe of Science and Innovation

CERN is organising a series of lectures based on the exhibition «A des années-lumière» >>

First detector installed inside the ALICE solenoid...

ALICE's emblematic red magnet welcomed its first detector on 23 September, when the array of seven Cherenkov detectors, named HMPID, was successfully installed. >>

... ALICE forges ahead with further detectors

Following the installation of the HMPID, the project has progressed swiftly with further detectors being lowered into the ALICE cavern. The first supermodule of the ALICE transition radiation detector was successfully installed on 10 October. >>

David Owen Williams (1944 - 2006)

Many people, not only at CERN but also throughout the world, were saddened to learn that their friend and colleague David Williams had passed away in the early hours of Tuesday 24 October. >>

Climate (R)evolution?

When it comes down to it, what do we really know about climate change? Where does scientific opinion currently stand? At the 12th Wright Science Colloquium at the University of Geneva from 13 to 17 November,... >>

Official News

Communiqué à l'attention des membres du personnel domiciliés dans le canton de Vaud et devant remplir la Déclaration fiscale 2005 - French version only  
Recommandations from the Geneva Police Department  

Training and Development

Academic Training: Neutrino Physics, Present and Future  
Texas Instruments Technical Seminar: Power Management and Wireless  
Technical Training: Places available and full programme  

General Information

Please note  
Remerciements - French version only  
Nitrogen tank  
Décès - French version only  
Great Britain at CERN  
Information from the Users Office  
Blood Donation  
Flu Vaccination  
End of support for Windows 2000, Office 2000 and Office XP at CERN  
End of Interactive Emailing from the Technical Network  
External meeting: Geneva University  
ELECTIONS - Pension Fund