

CERN’s surveyors send sparks flying

A few weeks ago, we published an article on the three-dimensional laser scanner technique used at CERN to produce 3D images of the LHC tunnels and experiments (see the article here). Photogrammetry is another technique in the CERN surveyors’ arsenal. >>

Ringing the changes in the Ombuds office

After three and a half years in office as CERN’s first Ombuds, the time has come for Vincent Vuillemin to pass on the baton to someone new: in January next year Sudeshna Datta Cockerill will assume the role. >>

LS1 Report: A stubborn cavity will soon be replaced

Testing on the LHC’s replacement RF cryomodule was completed last week in SM18. This module will bring them all to design-level, replacing a faulty cavity that has been acting up since the machine’s start-up. >>

Bringing up beams

Last month, commissioning began on CERN’s newest linear accelerator: Linac4. As the replacement machine for Linac2, Linac4 will take a negative hydrogen ion beam to a staggering 160 MeV. We check in to see how the Linac4 team is preparing its machine for its new role as the first link in the accelerator chain. >>

CERN Fellows, don’t splash that cash!

When their CERN contracts expire and they leave the Organization, Fellows recoup the amounts paid into the Pension Fund by and for them every month. If they invest this money well, right from the outset, it can grow into a nice little nest-egg by the time they reach retirement age. >>

Machine maintenance: the rules of the game

GCO, GMIO, GSPO – ever heard of them? These acronyms stand for the “roles” that best practices identify as vital to successful maintenance management. CERN’s Maintenance Management Project (MMP) team is working with the technical departments to ensure that they implement these procedures when they deal with the maintenance of the collider and its injectors and infrastructure. >>

PACMAN – an Innovative Doctoral Programme for CLIC

The final network project funded under the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), Marie Curie Actions, held its kick-off meeting at CERN on 20 November 2013. >>

WAMAS: an event to develop synergies between research and industry

On 19-20 November, CERN hosted the first Workshop on Advanced Materials and Surfaces (WAMAS) in the framework of EIROforum, a network of Europe’s largest inter-governmental research organisations. >>

A new award for the CERN Pension Fund

Recently, the CERN Pension Fund was awarded the 2013 Investment and Pensions Europe (IPE) Award for “Best Use of Equities”. IPE is the leading European Pension Fund industry publication. >>

New arrivals

On Tuesday 2 December 2013, recently-recruited staff members and fellows participated in a session in the framework of the Induction Programme. >>

No certificate, no chocolate

Are you already ready to use “certificates” to log into CERN or to connect to the global “eduroam” wireless network? No, I am not talking about your birth certificate, medical certificates or academic certificates. I am referring to “certificates” used for authentication where you would usually use a password. >>

News from the Library: Your opinion matters!

The collection of ebooks offered by the CERN Library has dramatically increased over the last 3 years. To better assess their usage and to get feedback on the quality of the collection, we are launching a survey: click here. >>

Do not miss the Announcements and Events sections of the Bulletin!

Official News

Health insurance for "frontaliers"  
End-of-year closure 2013/2014  

Training and Development

Personal development and communication courses – Places available  
General and professionnal French courses  
Are you a Project Leader, PSO, GLIMOS?! Are you in line to be one?  
A new magnet for the LHC mock-up  
New session of “CERN Document Server (CDS), Inspire and Library Services”  
Safety Training: places available in November - December 2013  


CERN car stickers for 2014  
CERN Infirmary closed for building work  
CinéGlobe invites you to participate in a poster design competition  
Start of new Research and Innovation Programme, Horizon 2020  
Keep your balance!  
Do not miss the Announcements and Events sections of the Bulletin!  
The tree-felling campaign has to continue  
CERN Shop Christmas Sale  
Snow, ice… and other reasons to be cheerful!  
Pre-paid envelopes commemorating the 2013 Open Days  
Lights on for daytime driving: mandatory from 1 January 2014  


Alison Gill – "To See a World", an exhibition of new sculpture and works on paper  
"Particle Fever": avant-premiere at CERN Main auditorium on 10 December, at 19:30  
Lecture at the Globe | "From the Higgs boson to the search for new physics: the prospects for the LHC programme at CERN"  
Joint Universities Accelerator School  
European School of Instrumentation in Particle and Astroparticle Physics  

Staff Association

Election of the Executive Committee: a vote for continuity  
Our October 2013 public meetings (second part)  
Club de pétanque  