

Warning: safety risk with some Apple AC Wall Plug Adapters   >>

The CERN Accelerator School   >>

2016 Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics   >>

Have you heard?… again in 2016!   >>

Reclaiming unused IPv4 addresses

As many people might know, the number of IPv4 addresses is limited and almost all have been allocated (see here and here for more information). >>

Upcoming opening of CERN's new Mobility Centre

On 29 February, CERN’s brand new Mobility Centre opened in the Globe car park. The Centre has been created to cater to the transport needs of everyone at CERN, to simplify procedures and to centralise all the transport services on offer: the rental of CERN bikes and cars, the CERN car-sharing scheme and SIXT car rental. >>

Where students turn into teachers: the 9th Inverted CERN School of Computing

Attendance is free and open to everyone, and will be webcast for those who cannot attend in person. The programme consists mainly of individual lectures on single topics, while some lectures are complementary to each other and can be followed as a series. Registration is not compulsory, but will allow you to obtain a hard copy of the booklet, which includes the lecture slides and notes (while stocks last). Programme & registration: iCSC2016 >>

News Articles

A new type of coating to chase the clouds away  
Safety first!  
Latest news from the YETS: all restarting except the LHC  
LIGO: The strong belief  
ICTR-PHE 2016: Strength in numbers  
Of data and dust  
Organising a conference? Think about what you can do for start-ups!  
The next generation of experts in trigger and data acquisition gather at ISOTDAQ2016  
Three new students selected for the ATLAS PhD Grant Scheme  
From the CERN web: The Art of Science, Theory corridor, DAMPE and more  
Computer Security: one click and BOOM…  
Alice-Anne Martin (1926 - 2016)  

Official News

111th ACCU Meeting  
Taxation in France  
CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) – Reimbursement of contraception and sterilisation  
Taxation in Switzerland  
Summer work for children of members of the personnel  

Training and Development

Technical training: RF superconductivity and accelerator cavity applications  
MAD-X Training Course – 2016  


CERN Library | Herwig Schopper and Luigi Di Lella present "60 Years of CERN Experiments and Discoveries" | 10 March  
Swiss Première of the film "Deep Web" | 11 March 7 p.m. | CERN Main Auditorium  
Academic Training Lectures | Representing Scientific Communities by Data Visualization | 14-15 March  

Staff Association

Public meetings  
General Assembly  
Nursery School  
Cine club  
Yoga Club  
Learning Classical Music Club  