

A new type of coating to chase the clouds away

The electron cloud problem needs to be addressed with innovative solutions, particularly in view of the rapidly approaching HL-LHC upgrade. CERN’s Vacuum, Surfaces and Coatings group has greatly improved its amorphous carbon coating technique, which is an alternative to the scrubbing process used so far. This technique is now fully mature and is being used for the vacuum chambers of the SPS magnets and the delicate beam screens of the LHC’s quadrupole triplets.   >>

Safety first!

Among the many duties I assumed at the beginning of the year was the ultimate responsibility for Safety at CERN: the responsibility for the physical safety of the personnel, the responsibility for the safe operation of the facilities, and the responsibility to ensure that CERN acts in accordance with the highest standards of radiation and environmental protection. >>

Latest news from the YETS: all restarting except the LHC

With the closure of the SPS at 3 p.m. on Friday, 19 February, maintenance work is now ongoing only at the LHC. All activities are on track for a smooth restart in a few weeks’ time. >>

LIGO: The strong belief

Twenty years of designing, building and testing a number of innovative technologies, with the strong belief that the endeavour would lead to a historic breakthrough. The Bulletin publishes an abstract of the Courier’s interview with Barry Barish, one of the founding fathers of LIGO. >>

ICTR-PHE 2016: Strength in numbers

The third biennial ICTR-PHE medical conference (see here) concluded last Friday, 19 February, once again on a very successful note. More than 400 participants from all over the world met over five days and then returned to their home institutes with new ideas, new collaboration prospects and optimistic visions for the future of cancer therapy. >>

Of data and dust

The traditional image of an archive is one of dusty old boxes, books and papers. When your archive is digital, dust spells disaster. An innovative environmental sensor designed and built by a CERN IT specialist has become an essential element in the Laboratory’s data-preservation strategy. >>

Organising a conference? Think about what you can do for start-ups!

ICTR-PHE 2016 welcomed 16 exhibitors and sponsors as part of its industrial exhibition. If you have ever (co-)organised a large scientific conference, you almost certainly have your own list of major industrial actors who could be interested in becoming exhibitors or sponsors. >>

The next generation of experts in trigger and data acquisition gather at ISOTDAQ2016

Fifty-two MSc and PhD students from 21 countries, selected from almost 80 applications, attended ISOTDAQ 2016, the seventh International School of Trigger and Data Acquisition, which was held at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. >>

Three new students selected for the ATLAS PhD Grant Scheme

Initiated in 2013, the ATLAS PhD Grant Scheme aims to enable young, talented and motivated students to work on part of their PhD thesis at CERN. The collaboration has just selected the three students who will start their theses in 2016. >>

From the CERN web: The Art of Science, Theory corridor, DAMPE and more

This section highlights articles, blog posts and press releases published in the CERN web environment over the past weeks. This way, you won’t miss a thing...   >>

Computer Security: one click and BOOM…

Browsing the World Wide Web is not as easy as it seems… One wrong click and all your passwords (CERN, Facebook, PayPal, Amazon, etc.) could be stolen; all your activities could be clandestinely monitored (mouse movements and clicks, words typed, screenshots, microphone and webcam recordings, etc.); confidential documents could be stolen; and an attack path (a so-called back-door) into CERN could be opened…  >>

Alice-Anne Martin (1926 - 2016)

Alice-Anne Martin, known as “Schu” from her maiden name Schubert, passed away on 8 January 2016. >>

Warning: safety risk with some Apple AC Wall Plug Adapters

Dear Mac and iOS Users, Apple has determined that some of its two prong Apple AC wall plug adapters may break and create a risk of electrical shock. >>

Upcoming opening of CERN's new Mobility Centre

On 29 February, CERN’s brand new Mobility Centre opened in the Globe car park. The Centre has been created to cater to the transport needs of everyone at CERN, to simplify procedures and to centralise all the transport services on offer: the rental of CERN bikes and cars, the CERN car-sharing scheme and SIXT car rental. >>

Official News

111th ACCU Meeting  
Taxation in France  
CERN Health Insurance Scheme (CHIS) – Reimbursement of contraception and sterilisation  
Taxation in Switzerland  
Summer work for children of members of the personnel  

Training and Development

Technical training: RF superconductivity and accelerator cavity applications  
MAD-X Training Course – 2016  


Warning: safety risk with some Apple AC Wall Plug Adapters  
The CERN Accelerator School  
2016 Asia-Europe-Pacific School of High-Energy Physics  
Have you heard?… again in 2016!  
Reclaiming unused IPv4 addresses  
Upcoming opening of CERN's new Mobility Centre  
Where students turn into teachers: the 9th Inverted CERN School of Computing  


CERN Library | Herwig Schopper and Luigi Di Lella present "60 Years of CERN Experiments and Discoveries" | 10 March  
Swiss Première of the film "Deep Web" | 11 March 7 p.m. | CERN Main Auditorium  
Academic Training Lectures | Representing Scientific Communities by Data Visualization | 14-15 March  

Staff Association

Public meetings  
General Assembly  
Nursery School  
Cine club  
Yoga Club  
Learning Classical Music Club  