
Following the annual LHC Performance Workshop held in Chamonix last week, and a report from the CERN Machine Advisory Committee on Monday, CERN management took some important decisions about the upcoming LHC run. The Bulletin spoke to Director General, Rolf Heuer, and Director for Accelerators and Technology, Steve Myers.

The work planned for the LHC injector chain during the winter shutdown is nearing completion. The PS Booster (PSB) and PS will be closed to access next week, and the control of machine access will be transferred to the CERN Control Centre in preparation for the resumption of machine operation. Hardware tests are being performed in all the machines.

The closure of Fermilab’s Tevatron this autumn will mark the end of an historic era in particle physics. But as physicists continue to comb through data from the Tevatron detectors, the laboratory will continue to pursue a greater understanding of the make-up of the Universe on multiple experimental frontiers.
A new management, new modules for its sub-detectors and an increased capacity to probe the properties of the quark-gluon plasma. The new year bodes well for ALICE and ion physics as quarks and gluons prepare to unveil their most profound mysteries.
CERN's electricity network is denser than that of the Canton of Geneva, is powered by two different national grids and has to provide users with an availability rate as close to 100% as possible. To ensure the smooth running of the machines throughout the period of LHC physics operation, the teams from the EN Department are implementing a continuous programme of consolidation and modernisation on all the Laboratory's sites, but the biggest projects will have to wait until the long technical shutdown scheduled for 2013.
On 19 January 2011, CERN's Director-General, Rolf Heuer, signed an agreement with the company "Le Jardin de Zébulon" for the provision of 40 places at the "Jardin de Capucine", a new private crèche due to open this autumn.
Last week, the Industrial Services and General Infrastructure section of the Procurement and Industrial Services group received dozens of bids in a single day! The bids were submitted in response to four invitations to tender to be adjudicated on a ‘best value for money’ basis. This adjudication method, introduced at CERN in 2008, ensures that quality is given as much priority as cost containment in the process of awarding industrial services contracts.
CERN partners up with Google to present the world’s first online global science competition: the Google Science Fair.
During more than 50 years of existence, CERN’s well-known magazine has changed several times in appearance. Now, for the first time since the 1990s, it has a new look for the new decade.
Some 700 local primary-school children will be trying out the scientific method for themselves from February to June. After "Draw me a physicist", the latest project "Dans la peau d’un chercheur" ("Be a scientist for a day") is designed to give children a taste of what it's like to be a scientist. Both schemes are the fruit of a partnership between CERN, "PhysiScope" (University of Geneva) and the local education authorities in the Pays de Gex and the Canton of Geneva.
A new educational website, STEM Works, has been launched this month, presenting science and technology in an industrial context for students aged 11-14. Developed with contributions from CERN, the site highlights the Laboratory as a “real-world” example of the opportunities available to science graduates. While the site was developed in Northern Ireland, STEM Works addresses issues of global relevance.
In December 2010, Peter Dreesen of CERN’s Technology Department (TE) returned from a long trip to South America. In four months he traversed the entire Andean range, from the equator to a latitude of 55 degrees south—on a bicycle!
On Tuesday 18 January 2011, artist Pipilotti Rist came to CERN to find out how science could provide her with a source of inspiration for her art and perhaps to get ideas for future work. Pipilotti, who is an eclectic artist always on the lookout for an original source of inspiration, is almost as passionate about physics as she is about art.
French comedian Luc Chareyron will give two performances at the Globe about the linguistic rules of the French language.
In this episode of Einstein, students from the University of Zurich explain the LHC physics experiments with chocolate and coffee cups.
In this series, the Bulletin aims to explain the role of the Ombuds at CERN by presenting practical examples of misunderstandings that could have been resolved by the Ombuds if he had been contacted earlier. Please note that, in all the situations we present, the names are fictitious and used only to improve clarity.
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