

CERN Academic Training Programme 2011

LECTURE SERIES 1, 2 and 3 February 2011 11:00-12:00 - Bldg. 222-R-001 - Filtration Plant LHC 2010: Summary of the Odyssey So Far and Near-Term Prospects by Paris Sphicas (CERN) In 2010, the LHC delivered proton-proton collisions at an energy of 7 TeV, significantly higher than what was previously attained. >>

CERN Technical training: Available places in forthcoming courses

The following course sessions are scheduled in the framework of the 2011 CERN Technical Training Programme and places are still available. >>

Language training

General and Professional English Courses The next session will take place: from 28 February to end of June 2011 (1 week break at Easter). >>

News Articles

LHC to run in 2012 – an interview with Rolf Heuer and Steve Myers  
LHC Report: The shutdown work nearing completion  
Fermilab Future  
ALICE on the move  
Powering CERN and the LHC  
The new "Jardin de Capucine" crèche brings a breath of fresh air for young CERN parents  
Best value for money  
CERN and Google team up for Science Fair  
CERN Courier has a new look  
Young scientists in the making  
New learning resource features CERN  
Breaking away to South America  
When science inspires art  
French comedy at the Globe  
TV News Magazine Presentation: Einstein by Schweizer Fernsehen (2009)  
Ombuds’ corner: Management or communication?  
News from the Library: Zentralblatt MATH: it's not all about maths  

Official News

Adjustments to financial benefits and contributions with effect from 1 January 2011  
Extension of the pre-retirement programmes  
Official holidays in 2011  

General Information

Cercle Condorcet - Dîner-débat avec Robert Cailliau  
Tram works (TCMC)  
The new Service Desk  
Reminder: Alcohol abuse, road traffic and safety on the site  
CERN Health Insurance Scheme  
Work at Restaurant No. 1  
25 years - Happy Birthday!  

Staff Association

Yachting Club  
Yoga Club  
Théâtre les 50  