

Editorial   >>

Solidarity   >>

Conference - Jean Ziegler   >>

Women's Club   >>

Cine Club   >>

Yachting Club   >>

GAC-EPA   >>

Interfon   >>

Music lessons



Du 5 au 9 mars de 11h30 à 14h30 Chantal Fournier et Laurence Greggio Vous attendent au rez-de-chaussée du bâtiment principal >>

Orchestre des Nations Unies

... >>

Théâtre Carouge

Du ve. 24 février au di. 18 mars 2012 Salle François-Simon – Création   FIGARO !   D’après BEAUMARCHAIS Mise en scène de JEAN LIERMIER   Jean Liermier dit souvent qu’il ne fait pas de différence entre le théâtre et la vie. >>

Théâtre Le St Gervais

Du 6 au 10 mars >>

News Articles

Rencontres de Moriond QCD 2012: Clearing up for the Higgs  
Rencontres de Moriond QCD 2012: Probing the nature of heavy-ion collisions  
Rencontres de Moriond QCD 2012: Direct and indirect searches make the whole picture  
Rencontres de Moriond QCD 2012: Searches for Dark Matter, SUSY and other exotic particles  
Rencontres de Moriond QCD 2012: Uncertain signals from the Higgs boson  
Rencontres de Moriond EW 2012: Addressing symmetry breaking and mass hierarchy  
Rencontres de Moriond EW 2012: Impact of a Higgs boson on supersymmetry  
Rencontres de Moriond EW 2012: Seeing less would be just as good  
Rencontres de Moriond EW 2012: Theorists disprove one claim against DAMA/LIBRA  
Rencontres de Moriond EW 2012: New physics further constrained by LHCb results  
The winning alliance  
Opportunity and obligation  
LHC Report: Heading towards the 4 TeV  
Open heart surgery at the LHC  
CERN building numbers: no rhyme and little reason  
SESAME: opening doors through science  
Visit by the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic  
Local school children curious about CMS  
Perfect symmetry between arts and science  
Bike 2 Work  
Prevention is better than cure: a winning combination  
Interview with Murray Gell-Mann, 1969 Nobel prize in physics  
How to get properly rid of confidential data?  
Ombuds’ corner: Workplace incivility  
News from the Library: Nucleonica - web-driven nuclear science  
Paul Bouchardy (1937 – 2012)  

Training and Development

E-groups training  
Safety Training: places available in March  


Diversity in Action: Interactive Workshop  
CERN Phonebook evolution  
France at CERN – Industrial exhibition  
Changes in the CERN Firewall Openings  
Blood donation  
Geneva University - Silicon photomultiplier : features and applications  
CERN School of Computing 2012 - Registration is open!  
Geneva University - The AX-PET experiment : A demonstrator for an axial Positron Emission Tomography  


Hommage à Georges Charpak