

Springer Publishing Booth | 4-5 October   >>

Coding Pi Science Day | 7-8 October   >>

Exhibition for the 45 years of the Long-Term Collections | 11-14 October | Main building   >>

Humanitarian Hackathon @CERN | 14-16 October | Are you ready?   >>

“France@CERN” 2016 | 3-4 October

Come and meet 37 French companies at the 2016’s edition of “France@CERN”, that will take place on October 3 and 4. >>

Diversity Programme | Tasneem Zahra Husain presents her book “Only the Longest Threads” | 4 October

“Only the Longest Threads”, by Tasneem Zahra Husain. >>

Science Writing Workshop | 5 October | 09:00 – 15:00

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Workshop on Promoting Particle Physics Worldwide | Friday 7 October | 09:00 – 14:00

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CMS Create #2 | 3-4 October | Register now!

CMS Create brings together CERN members and students from IPAC Design Genève (see here). The goal is to build a prototype exhibit illustrating what CMS does and how it does it. The exhibit will introduce the world of a particle physics detector to the general public, and to younger visitors in particular.  >>

News Articles

Beamline for Schools 2016: How to be a CERN scientist  
CERN & Society – Spreading our spirit of scientific curiosity  
LHC Report: LHC smashes collision records  
Looking for charming asymmetries  
A new building for testing magnets  
Netherlands in the spotlight at the ENLIGHT meeting on particle therapy  
New arrivals  
Computer Security: Android’s Armageddon… Reloaded  
Nicolas Delruelle (1965 - 2016)  

Official News

SAFETY ALERT - Failure of brass non-return valves in gas point installations  
Annual Information Meeting of the Pension Fund | 26 October  

Training and Development

Upcoming training sessions (up to end October) - Places available  
KT Training: Introduction to knowledge transfer tools | 7 October  


Working safely with electronics racks  
Bike to work safely (follow-up)  
IT User Community Survey  
Exceptional closure of the Medical Service on 11 October  
Heating being put into service  
CERN Accelerator School - Beam injection, extraction and transfer  
2017 European School of Instrumentation in Particle and Astroparticle Physics (ESIPAP) - Registrations  
2017 Joint Universities Accelerator School (JUAS) - Registrations  
Modifications sur l'autoroute A1 - secteur Genève Aéroport  
Network migration for printers  
Register now for ISOTDAQ 2017  
New location of the Learning and Development group  
New AIDA-2020 call for breakthrough detector technologies  

Staff Association

Thank you for attending our public meeting on 22 September!  
Long-Term Collections  
Nicolas Delruelle 1965 - 2016  
Offre pour nos membres  
CERN MicroClub  
CERN Photo club  
CERN Martial Arts Club - Taekwondo Section  
Cine club  
Petanque club  